
60 years of combined experience, this helps us:
Know the market area
Know the products that sell in the market
Know the competition and know how to compete
Help you market and rent the product

Philosophy of Selling
-We only represent 10-12 lines
-We are Not just taking orders
-Quality not quantity. We do not take lines on, just to drop them
-Long-lasting reputable manufacturers
-More time to know our products
-More time to service you and help you sell and rent products
-We 're more important to the manufacturers than just the salesman

We are manufacturers direct not wholesalers
-Manufacturers listen to what we say. Call us first and get us involved
-We work for the dealers and rental stores
-We advise you to the best time to buy products (specials)
-We are salesmen for your company,together we can excel
-We know where local stock is for quick delivery, we may have a demo unit we
ecan get fast. Don't lose the order
-We may be able to get special pricing

We check our cellphone's and our 800 number at 11:00 and 3:00 each day
-Leave message so that we can return your call with an answer
-If you are a road salesman please leave a message with the secretary or inside salesman so we can solve your problem or answer your question.

We can help you with:
-Sales meetings
-Riding with salesmen
-Product knowledge
-Problems with manufacturers
-Grouping freight and orders together

-Dealer shows
-Competitive information
-Marketing area
-Extended terms and discounts
-Demo equipment
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